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Zhejiang Hetian Chemical Co., Ltd.

Foreign Trade:+86-571-85241081
Domestic Trade:+86-571-85229016
Fluorosilicone chemicals:+86-571-81182352/81182351



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Zhejiang Hetian Chemical Co., Ltd. is member enterprise of Sinochem Group. It is a state high-tech enterprise and is an industrial development base of National Pesticide Research & Development South Center. In addition, it is test site of pesticide in Zhejiang and research center of Hangzhou high-tech enterprises. Our company is engaged in development of high-efficiency, high-safety, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides. Our products have found good sale in Europe, Oceania, Middle East, South America and Southeast Asia.

Our quality policy is “better than pass, better than counterparts, better than expectation”. Our working principle is “professional, innovative, keeping improvement”.

At present, our company is under rapid development stage. We provide all employees with fine development opportunity and platform. We welcome the join of this year's graduates.

Please send your resume to Zhejiang Hetian Chemical Co., Ltd. at address of 387#, Tianmushan Road, Hangzhou

Or to our E-mail address:htchemhr@sinochem.com

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