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Zhejiang Hetian Chemical Co., Ltd.

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Zhejiang Hetian Chemical Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Hetian Chemical Co., Ltd. is a scientific and technological enterprise developed based on Pesticide Chemical Research Institute under Zhejiang Research Institute of Chemical Industry. It is a state high-tech enterprise and is an industrial development base of National Pesticide Research & Development South Center. It is professional in research, development, production and operation of new pesticide products, pesticide intermediates and fine chemicals.
兰溪市| 伊宁市| 元谋县| 深水埗区| 惠安县| 乐都县| 新余市| 银川市| 桐城市| 开封市| 黄冈市| 什邡市| 南部县| 得荣县| 江油市| 大足县| 崇信县| 平谷区| 建湖县| 浮山县| 石屏县| 界首市| 贺兰县| 清流县| 栾城县| 奉新县| 都兰县| 辽宁省| 南召县| 万山特区| 洮南市| 青岛市| 广州市| 大方县| 湟源县| 泾源县| 疏附县| 曲麻莱县| 壶关县| 江城| 沁源县| http://www.quaresso.com http://www.snj999.com http://www.hj7177.com http://www.7kqk.com http://www.qdm6.com http://www.fs9394.com