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Zhejiang Hetian Chemical Co., Ltd.

Foreign Trade:+86-571-85241081
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Fluorosilicone chemicals:+86-571-81182352/81182351



FluoroalkylsilaneYour current location: Home | Product | Fluoroalkylsilane
CAS No.: 358-67-8

CAS No. : 358-67-8


Chemical formula structure

Technical data:

Molecular Weight: 202.25

Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid

Chromatographic purity (%) : ≥98.0

Density (20℃) : 1.095±0.005

Refraction (20℃) : 1.385±0.005



1. Applied as coupling agent to increase the bonding performance between fluorine resin and substrate.

2. Applied for making waterproof, anti-oil, anti-fouling treatment agent, applied to cultural relics, brick, metal, wood, such as waterproof, anti-fouling, anti-weathering and other protection treatment.

3. Applied as a finishing agent to reduce the water holding capacity of natural fiber (wool, cotton and leather, etc.) products, improve the surface hydrophobicity and antifouling.

4. Applied as the surface of glass hydrophobic antifouling treatment.


Packing specification:

Sealed storage, 1kg per fluorinated bottle, 25kg per small bucket, 200L per lined plastic iron bucket.

Please contact for special specifications.


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