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9-Fluorohexyl trimethoxysilane
CAS No.: 85877-79-8

CAS No. : 85877-79-8

Trimethoxy (1H,1H,2H, 2H-nine-fluorohexyl) silane

English name: 9-Fluorohexyl trimethoxysilane

Molecular formula: C9H13F9O3Si

Molecular Weight: 368.27

Physicochemical properties:

Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid

Density: 1.335 g/cm3

Boiling point: 68-9 ℃/15mmHg

Flash point: 63.948 ℃

Refractive index: 1.3376

Packing: 1000g, 5KG fluorinated bottles or drums.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place in a container filled with dry, inert gas.

The storage area must be locked and the key must be given to the technical experts and their assistants. Far away moisture and oxidizing agents.

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