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Water-based defoamer ZHA4720


? Add high efficiency fluorine factor

? Fast defoaming

? Long-lasting foam suppression

? Excellent dispersibility

? Good stability

? Low usage

? Easily soluble in water

? Wide temperature range

? Wide pH range

? Suitable for non-ionic systems

The Chinese VOC

? Safety and environmental protection

Coating process and application:

It can be added directly or pre-diluted and then added into aqueous formula or foaming liquid (the amount of active ingredient is recommended to be 0.01-0.5%, and 1 part of ZHA4720:3 to 10 parts of cold water for mixing)

After adding ZHA4720, it should be properly stirred before use to make it fully dispersed in the aqueous formulation or foaming solution

The proper amount of ZHA4720 should be added before the foaming liquid is foamed, which can effectively inhibit the formation of foam

Proper amount of ZHA4720 can effectively prevent and eliminate foam. Do not use too much

The diluted ZHA4720 should be used for a short time and should not be stored for a long time

Dilute ZHA4720 with hot water

Application: Defoaming of various water-based formulations, pesticide formulations, textile printing and dyeing, fermentation, papermaking, water-based coatings (inks), medicine, oil field exploitation, metal processing, wastewater treatment and other aqueous systems

Physical properties of coating agent:

Appearance white emulsion Solid 20%
Solvent Water Active ingredient modified polysiloxane
pH@25°C 7.0 Viscosity@25 °C 800 ± 100 mPa·s
Ionicity nonionic ? ?

Packing and precautions:

Packing specifications: 1kg, 5kg, 25kg

Shelf life: 12 months

Storage conditions: Keep in a cool place, sealed, away from heat, in case of product delamination, shake well before use.

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