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Zhejiang Hetian Chemical Co., Ltd.

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Fluorosilicone oilYour current location: Home | Product | Fluorosilicone oil
Perfluorooctane silicone oil FGY488
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The product name

Perfluorooctane silicone oil FGY488


Technical data:

As per fluorine content



This product is an excellent waterproof, oil-proof treatment agent for stone, concrete and other water-absorbent substrate. It can penetrate into their gap to  form a protective layer on and inner surface. It will protect the stone depend on waterproof and oil-proof effect on the surface of the stone, but also maintain the permeability of the stone. Preventing water spots, discoloration, whitening and other phenomena on the stone surface. It also can be applied in textile additives, giving the fabric waterproof, oil-proof properties, and excellent smooth.


Packing specification:

Sealed storage, 1kg per fluorinated bottle, 25kg per small bucket, 200L per lined plastic iron bucket.

Please contact for special specifications.

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