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Silicane coupling agentYour current location: Home | Product | Silicane coupling agent
CAS No.: 6843-66-9

CAS No. : 6843-66-9

[chemical name] : Diphenyl dimethoxy silane

English name: Diphenyldimethoxysilane

[Sub-formula] : (C6H5)2Si(OCH3)2

[Physical and chemical properties and technical data]

[Appearance] : Colorless or light yellow transparent liquid

[Active ingredients] : ≥98%

[Refractive rate (25℃)] : 1.535-1.545

[Specific weight (20℃)] : 1.060-1.010

[pH] : Neutral

[Boiling point]: 286℃

[Packaging and Storage]

(1) Packaging: 25Kg, 180Kg or 200Kg plastic drums;

(2) This product should be sealed and stored in a cool and dry place;

(3) The storage period of this product is half a year.

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