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Fluorosilicone electronic coating agentYour current location: Home | Product | Fluorosilicone electronic coating agent
Fluorine-containing electronic coating agent ZH181 Series


• Quick drying

• Excellent waterproof, moisture-proof, rust-proof performance

• Up to nanometer film thickness

• Non-combustible

• Simple construction process

• Fluorescent indication can be added

• Easy to repair

• Environmental protection, no ozone consumption, RoHS, HF compliance

Coating process and application:

Suitable for spray coating, dip coating, roll coating and blade coating

Protection of printed circuit board PCBA, flexible circuit board FPCA and its sensitive electronic components which are susceptible to water vapor, concentrated solution, dust, grease, solvent and corrosive gas

As a magnetoresistive head shield in the lubricant and dirt of a disk drive

Sealing of precision parts and components

Prevent the diffusion of lubricating oil for bearings of precision instruments (such as watches, cameras, etc.) or micromotors

Physical properties of coating agent:

Appearance Colorless transparent liquid Solid 2-10%(other concentrations can be provided according to customer requirements)
Solvent Fluorinated solvent Active ingredient fluoropolymer
Flash point None Boiling point Temperature: 50-68°C

Physical properties of Film forming coating:

  ZH181-2 ZH181-5 ZH181-10
Solid content 2% 5% 10%
Coating Color colorless
Transmittance >91%
Film thickness of one coating 0.5-1.5μm 1.5-2.5 μ m 3-5 μ m
Touch drying time (normal temperature and humidity) 30s 1min 2min
Static water contact angle ≥ 118°
Static n-hexadecane contact angle ≥ 80°
Surface free energy 8-10mN/m
Coating Adhesion (ASTM D3599) 5B
Heat resistance temperature (1% decomposition temperature) Temperature: -20°C
Dielectric constant 3.1
Volume resistivity > 1014 Ω·m
Surface resistivity >1014Ω

Packing and precautions:

Packing specifications: 100g, 500g, 1kg, 25kg

Shelf life: 24 months

Storage conditions: protected from light, sealed

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